Winnie the Pooh
It's not so much the stories that I enjoy, and really the critters are quite annoying in their various caricatures, but there is something endearing about this enduring "classic" that has kept it in our lives. Or maybe it was the collection of stuffed Eeyores that survived my college days only to be heavily loved by a beautiful little boy. Yesterday I took him to a Wild Swan stage play of these perennial stories and characters. He was delighted. Rapt throughout the whole show (didn't even notice the little girl behind us, bawling and desperate to get away from the scary things on the stage, poor thing). At the end we met the characters outside. Calvin told Eeyore that he really liked the show, then asked him (her, really) what the tree (a large and enjoyable set piece) had been made of. To her answer of "wood" he then politely replied "yes, but what kind?" She had the grace to reply that he had stumped her, but she could tell him that it was supposed to be an Oak tree.

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