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Penny for your toddler thoughts

Oh to know what exactly is going on inside that toddler thinking machine.


(scene - bedtime a few nights ago, after lights out before songs)

Calvin - "talk about God."

Jon - "Okay.  God made you, God made me..."

Calvin (interrupting) - "God made everybody.  Yeah.  That must have been haaaaaard work."


(scene - grocery store produce section, picking up a ginger root)

Calvin (holding aforementioned item in his hands) - "This is a ginger root."

Me - "Yes, we need it for dinner."

Calvin - "This is an ooooodd thing."

(insert hysterical laughing coming from the nice man stocking the lettuce)


First word

We played with magnetic letters this morning (they make great imprints on the magna-doodle, by the way).  Calvin is engrossed by letters lately and has been spelling things for some time now, such as "train" spelled "pqrifds", so when he came running into the kitchen while I was making lunch saying that he had spelled "zoo" and I should come look, I expected nothing less than his usual wonderful and creative spelling exploits. Imagine my surprise.

I realize that we can't say he wrote his first word today–his letter writing still closely resembles an abstract of a tumbleweed–but we'll forever say that on this day in history he spelled his first word.  All by himself.  Seeing how excited that made his mom, he then asked how to spell more things, of course, so I started with cat and he went to work on that one, too. 

Sponges.  They are quite definitely little sponges at this age.


Make believe

This will be another quick post, short and to the point.  Mostly we just haven't done much out of the ordinary lately, or, perhaps that alone is worthy of mention.  Calvin, as I mentioned before, had a successful swim class on Saturday, then this week he had wonderful music and library classes.  We're all healthy again, and the weather has been warm enough to entice outside for short periods of exercise.  Maybe the only notable events this week (aside, that is, from the new era of hope that was beautifully sworn in on Tuesday at noon) were the sighting of the sun, the discovery that we have a rabbit living under our deck (we can tell by the track patterns), the darling little bluebirds who have started hanging out on our deck again, and the fantastic make believe play in the train town that has been built in our play room.  Actually, come to think of it, it really has been a great and busy week.  And if you want to see more pictures of our fantastic train town, you can visit our January photo gallery.



We are now completely healed and healthy as a household. Calvin's first day in his new semester of swimming lessons went by without a hitch (he missed the actual first day because of his absorbable stitches) and all of our household schedules and planned events are back underway. Right about now we are finally ready to greet the new year, how about you?

Oh. And balloons are fun.


Accomplishment. It's a wonderful thing.