Entries in 365_2016 (36)
Photo dump (CY365), week 39
A football game (the season's looking good!), a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster IPA (and for those of you who will enjoy this joke—I found The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy shelved under "travel writing and guidebooks in our library sale room a few weeks ago), Hugfun with a giant teddy, and our dog, who is petrified of power outages.
What dog is afraid of power outages? How does she even know????

Photo dump (CY365), week 38
Calvin requested a break from our unforgiving photo-a-day journal project, but that doesn't mean we aren't still taking lots of photos (or at least I am), in hopes that we'll actually create a family yearbook in all our spare time (I've been doing this for year, but only have one actual book to show for it). This week we are just back from Washington, but we hit the ground running, with full days of school work, a field trip to volunteer at Food Gatherers, and two first for Calvin: his first tap class, and his first public school experience: 5th grade band on the Clarinet, also a new instrument for him.