Celebrating, ummmm, spring
With a week of gloomy weather ahead we decided that a good, cheerful party was in order, and, since there are certainly no birthdays to celebrate this time of year (ahem), we decided that we had just better celebrate spring. It is always fun to have our families all together under one roof, and we really enjoy playing hosts to such joyous gatherings. We've also gotten better (much better) at it through the years, and rather than spending all
Sunday afternoon panicking about the preparations, it was Saturday that found our home leisurely smelling of fresh bread, and filled with the sounds of the food processor, mixer, etc. etc., so that by Sunday we were able to kick back, wine in hand, and enjoy the festivities themselves. Calvin, of course, is always the most involved host–more than willing to show, tell, and share with absolutely everyone that walks through the door. And if you
see a cake in the pictures? We have no idea who that might be for, as there were certainly no birthdays celebrated here, just one really enjoyable family gathering to welcome the first beginnings of spring. And who really needs a reason to party anyhow, more than just celebrating the wonderful love of family, and the marching onward of the seasons in our beautiful world? Oh, and happy birthday, mom.