Fathers, family, and fun
We absolutely love to celebrate with our family and have been fortunate not only to have many family members nearby, but also in that they are often ready and willing to come to our house for special occassions (because let's face it, it's easier to enjoy yourself with you toddler in his own environment). Fathers' Day was different only in that we were lucky enough to add a couple of
family members from farther away, my uncle Smokey from up north and cousin Abby from California, an increase in numbers that only greatly added to the evenings enjoyment. Opa played with Calvin, us girls tried out Guitar Hero, and my uncle Jack made good friends with our cat Cookie. We played some of our favorite music, a collection of folk and rock from
days gone by, including some Beatles for Oma, and looked through the photo albums of our childhood years as a way to include the dads in our lives who could not be with us. We grilled sausages and veggie burgers (for Aunt Ann and Oma), served with tabouleh and asparagus, and finished off with fresh strawberry shortcake. Mostly we just had a great time sharing jokes,
anecdotes, and memories, because that's what families are for, and that's why we love have them surround us whenever we can. And we'd like to thank our families for being willing to share their holidays with us, for the wonderful foods they bring to share along with their laughter and fun, and for all the ways they make our special celebrations so much brighter.
We hope everyone had a wonderful fathers' day!