Going by with a bang
July already? Really? Every other year it seems like by this time summer is already beginning to wear out its welcome, with temperatures reaching, and staying in, the mid to high 80s, and grasses and other greenery losing their spring crispness. This time last year we were working like crazy putting in new gardens. In fact, the weekend of the fourth we spent collected rocks from a local farm digging out foot upon foot of clay and sod to put in the rain garden. This year we've barely begun any massive garden work,
other than the never ending weeding and water and the planting of the edibles, and the temperatures sure haven't cooperated. Only a few days has it seemed warm enought o venture to the lake or fill up our little pool, and I honestly miss those sweltering nights when open windows just aren't enough and I'd like to knock down all the walls to get some air in the house.
So the fourth of July snuck up on us this year. I could have sworn it was still mid June, and here we were, buying leftover fireworks at road side stand along with all the other procrastinators, only hours before dark on the holiday itself. The fourth is especially special in our house because it is also grandpa's (as in Calvin's, not mine) birthday, making a true family occasion. Even more especially special was the fact that Uncle Curtis (as in Calvin's, not
mine) was in town for the weekend with his friend, Julie, so we got some extra party fun in. We spent the fourth with my Aunt and Uncle (mine, not Calvin's), enjoying a delightful dinner at their house, and we spent the following day at my parents' house, playing frisbee and watching golf with Curtis and Julie. It was everything a holiday weekend should be, and more. Now if only the summer would slow down so we could enjoy it...
More holiday weekend photos in the July 2009 album..