Here, there, everywhere.
That, in a brief statement, is the sum of our Saturday. From home to Toledo, then to the other side of Toledo, then to White Lake, then home again. If, however, we're to take that brief statement and make it more in depth we would say: to the Toledo Zoo in the morning, then to a first birthday party on the other side of that same city, then to dinner with friends in White Lake, then home again well after dark. And if we were to make that statement even more descriptive we would say: After a hurried morning at home, to the Toledo Zoo, where the seals were being fed, the wolves were active, and the sloth bear was snorty; after a quick lunch at the zoo, to the
first birthday party of an adorable little girl who belongs to a close high school friend of mine whom I haven't seen in, well, probably fourteen years; after snacks and cake at the party, straight up to White Lake, Michigan, with a short nap in the car (for one out of three of us), for dinner, drinks, and playtime with our good college friends and their two sons. And that about tells the whole story, but to give it color I'd have to add to it: that the wolves are my favorite animal and seeing them up and about was a true joy; that
seeing a close friend after fourteen years, being able to talk with him as though that day fourteen years ago was yesterday, and having Jon enjoy that visit as much as I did, was also pure joy; that having some quiet time in the car on the way up to White Lake, sharing a book out loud and talking, just the two of us, was actually enjoyable as well; that a dinner party with good friends when our kids can play together, cooperatively and happily, for extended periods
of time–in an entirely different room–is incredibly relaxing and added yet more true joy to the day; that being able to leave for home well past bedtime and have our son, who has been almost impeccably well mannered all day, fall asleep in the car and still go to bed without trouble at home, is the perfect cap to the end of a truly enjoyable day. And now, that's the whole story.
More pictures from the day in the August 2009, too album.