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Hello 2009 Season...

...and Go Blue!  Both last week, then again, and especially, this week, have brought back to Michigan fans that once familiar enjoyment of watching a good football game.  There are still improvements to be made, but that just adds to the air of excitement.  We wouldn't want the season to be boring, would we?  Go blue.


Community Fair, take two

Fall, of course, isn't just about football and tailgating.  Fall is also about beautiful foliage, plentiful harvests, and community fairs.  Last month we attended the Chelsea Community Fair, and September is when Saline traditionally takes its turn at displaying its seasonal bounty, including champion steer, large melons, and crazy carnies, all of which were also available last month in Chelsea.  Saline, however, does have one major thing going for it over Chelsea, and that's Preschoolers' Day.  While at the Chelsea Fair it took a small fortune for an evening of entertainment, today at the Saline Fair Preschoolers' Day it took all of seventeen dollars, and that considerable sum got us in to see the animals, the produce, and the carnies, and also included a one hour concert by Gemini (our favorite!), lots of tot type games, and all the rides a toddler could care to enjoy.  Since the weather cooperated we were able to enjoy all of the above.  The Percheron stallions were my favorite animal, I think, while Calvin enjoyed one particular goat, and Gram seemed to enjoy those noisy, feathery roosters.  Gemini was a huge hit, of course, to the point that the woman in front of us asked if Calvin had the CD at home, since he obviously knew all the songs by heart.  As for the rides?  We happened to know, from the small fortune spent in Chelsea, that those would be a hit, and he's never been one to disappoint.  This one goes in the books as a real gem of an event.  Too bad it only comes once a year.


Labor Day weekend

We labored right through the holiday weekend, putting some final 2009 touches on the new garden we added this year, the pictures of which we will share soon.  The story of the garden itself is pretty good, one that I'll want to spend a little more time formulating before I throw it up here, so you'll have to take my word for it that by the time Monday night rolled around we were three tired puppies.  Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that, in addition to all that labor, we also partied our way through the weekend.  The full moon was delightful on Friday night, so we donned bug spray and long pants, grabbed our flashlights, and went for a full moon hike in the meadow, looking for bats and owls.  We didn't find any owls, but we found plenty of wonderful bats, and a handful of yawns as well.  Saturday, of course, was Opening Day for tailgaters, and Sunday found us staying up late yet again, this time for a camp fire in our own driveway (the backyard patio doesn't exist yet), complete with marshmallows and ghost stories.  I'd say it was a perfect holiday weekend.


Football season kickoff

It's that time of year again!  The leaves are just starting to turn colors, the nights are cooling off, the rains are coming in, and the Michigan Marching Band can be heard practicing nightly, at least by those who live in the area.  We had our first tailgate of the season today–a time to reconnect with good fall friends and good fall foods–and we even had an enjoyable football game following!  The past few weeks many Michigan football fans have been walking around with big question marks hanging over their heads.  What will the season be like?  Who will be the quarterback?  Will our coach be headed to court?  And, really, we are still walking around with question marks hanging over our heads, but they might at least be a little smaller, since the game on Saturday was actually enjoyable to watch (easy to say, of course, since we won, but I remember a day when a game against Western was not question mark at all, and a win against Western nothing to celebrate). But regardless of the team or the game, the tailgate marked the beginning of a great season of parties to come. 

Go blue!



A little boy's favorite sensory experience.