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Day 137 in 2020 (isolation days)

Current times call for interesting measures. Today was the day Jon had scheduled the recital for his piano studio. He has twelve students, including Calvin, when the state went into lockdown, or quarantine, or stay-home-stay-safe orders, he rather seamlessly moved to teaching all his students online from our library (which is really just the front room where we keep our books and our piano, but we like to sound fancy, so our library). That has meant that for a couple of hours five days a week the house has to kept calm and quiet. It has worked out well that when we assembled our family schedule last fall we overlapped Calvin's various afternoon activities with Jon's teaching to maximize family time at home, and, since our internet has been able to handle it, that has minimized the amount of time I've had to keep Gimli quiet, since they are both busy with their Zoom, or what-have-you, meetings at once.

And for recital weekend, Jon assembled pre-recorded videos from each of his students into a slide-show of sorts that he presented, one student at a time following each student's live personal introduction and followed by live applause, to a Zoom meeting of students and their friends and family. It was seamless, but it was nearly so, and I think everyone was happy and fulfilled. He did a wonderful job.

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