Day 95 in 2020 (isolation day 21)
It's the first weekend of the month, the last weekend before we would have returned to school after spring break. For us that still stands, and we will return to a full homeschooling schedule on Monday. I look forward to that, and I think Calvin might, too. The fluidity of lacking a schedule is enjoyable for only so long before ennui sets in. This weekend, like all first weekends of the school months, I am spending a morning filing the last month's school work, recording grades, and setting up print outs and resources for the coming month. The only real challenge is that, after spending weeks last summer carefully choosing resources for the coming year, with the libraries closed the majority of those resources are no longer readily or cheeply available. That is a bridge I will have to cross in the coming week, but it's a short bridge and only a minor irritation.

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