Day 88 in 2020 (isolation day 13)
Thirteen days of isolation and we're spending our Saturday cleaning out and organizing the office. And Calvin willingly spent the afternoon shredding a huge box of personal paperwork that's been sitting in our basement for a couple of years now. We cleaned out the basement last weekend.
We had our first thunderstorm of the year in the wee hours this morning. It sent the dog into bed with us and stole an hour of my sleep while I couldn't convince my brain that the sump pump wouldn't quit on us in our times of trial and require us to call strangers in to fix it, possibly infecting our home and loved ones. Early hours anxiety is not normal anxiety, it's a monster. But one of my favorite sounds is rain on the roof and rolling thunder.
And ultimately we had a really delightful day. We slept in a little in the rain, breakfasted on farm fresh eggs, then put dinner in the slow cooker together before tackling our black hole of an office/storage room (I can't really call it the office anymore now that Jon has made the less cluttered guest room into his home office for the time being). Be bathed the dog, Calvin shredded, I inventoried our pantry, we had a great happy hour chat with family, and we finished with a lot of video games and the dinner we'd started after breakfast.
As much as we all miss friends and activities, I am so pleased to find this joy in my family.

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