Life cycles and taxonomy
The Well Trained Mind does not advocate a lot of true science exploration for the younger set, and that is (one of the places) where our paths diverge. I love kitchen science, and back yard science, and even the fantastical science that accompanies the study of dragons.
Here is what science looks like at our house right now.
Taxonomy. BFSU suggested that we study "what defines a species" next, but since we'd just talked about the Kingdoms I figured we'd fill in the rest of the taxonomic classifications while we were at it. It surprised me, although it shouldn't have, that from all the talks we've had on all our hikes as already well aware of many of the terms of classification, like vertebrate, mammal, arthropod, etc., and many of their defining differences as well.
Life cycles. That was the next thing that BFSU suggested looking into, and we like combining studies, especially since life cycles are so unique and often tied to classification.
Observation. Looking at things is fun. We love to go hiking and just sit and watch. Wait long enough and youl'll see some amazing things. And we've been magnifying things for years now with a hand magnifying glass, but he received a microscope for Christmas so we've been trying our hands at that, too. It really adds a new understanding to the concepts of natural symmetry and fine detail, two of his favorite words these days.
And the zoo. Because we don't need a really good excuse to head to our zoo, any excuse will do. This week it was about species classification, and about life cycles.

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