Birthday fun
We got back to Africa today, and Calvin taught me a little something about memory. He has a lot of it. Animals upon animals and countries upon countries of it. This exploration has clearly been the most real for him, was brought the most alive. He is living it, feeling it, and clearly enjoying. Africa has that effect. We didn't have much time today, just a skimming over what we already learned and time to discuss what he wants to explore next, and after talking about it we're moving north starting tomorrow, just far enough north to explore the pyramids of Egypt. He's geeked.
The rest of today was the first of spring swimming lessons, paczki enjoyment, qwirkle, paper crafting, piano, and a birthday celebration dinner. My mom's request for her birthday was dinner together, and have a great time we did.
When I read the menu options to him he immediately opted for crab legs. He's never had them before, mind you, nor do I think he's ever seen any of us eat them, but he wanted them for sure. And who knew dinner could be such a learning experience. Crab. Legs. Crab legs. And lobster tail, too. And lobsters in the tank.
He ate.
He cracked, and he ate.
He discovered tendons and how to work the claws.
He explored the tail.
And when he was done with that, and before the birthday ice cream arrived, he visited the lobster tank. It was a lot to absorb, the thought that those things were the same as what had been on our plates, and for me it's as near an argument for vegetarianism that I might cave to as anything else, but he was really just absorbing the idea, not upset by it. Me? I don't want to think about the before and after.
If you always look through inquisitive eyes, then the whole world is your classroom.

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