We shoveled this morning. The third day in a row. We drove to visit with friends a few towns over and the twenty minute drive took almost forty. The cold kept us inside, enjoying the sunshine from the floor of their living room instead of from the play structure outside as we have on past trips. I'm tired of coats. I'm tired of shovels, and scarves, and hats, and mittens, and the extra time it takes to get ready to go anywhere. I love winter, but I've been reading other homeschoolers' blogs and watching them wander with their children through greenish fields, coatless, or with only light jackets, and it has made me long for warmer temperatures. We had a great time on our snow night hike last weekend when the stars were so bright and beautiful, but I miss our summer night hikes, when we look and listen for bats. I love winter, but this year I am tired of it early. Last week when we were outside enjoying spring-like weather I noticed the green shoots of summer plants pushing up in our front garden, but looking out the window today it is hard to remember that they are underneath those inches of snow.
Today we were mostly running. We ran to the book store to look for a magazine I was supposed to have work published in (only to be disappointed at not finding it there). We ran to Canton to play (at board games and make believe with friends). We ran to the library to shelve books in the sale room (where over twelve grocery bags worth awaited us). We ran home again barely in time for a late dinner (with nary a menu in mind). The only time we got to sit down and open a book today was at bedtime when we finally immersed ourselves in another chapter of Oz, a moment Calvin had waited for all day. We had fun with our friends, and we always enjoy shelving at the library, but these are not my favorite days. Tomorrow is usually grocery day, but I wonder if a day at home isn't more in order.

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