North for New Years, 2010-2011
It has become a tradition for us to head to Harbor Springs for the new year, and we don't mess with tradition around here, so with an ice storm looming we packed up a day earlier than planned and headed north on the 29th. It was as relaxing and enjoyable as ever, with a little extra fun since Lonnie adopted a really great yellow lab named Blue and Polly brought her 4 month old daughter over to play. Unfortunately the first two days were warm and wet, but the next two were frigid and snowy to make up for it. Again with the pictorial account:
Keyhold Bar for perch sandwiches. Yum.
Long walks with beautiful scenery.
Snowman with snow hat. :o)
Snow man, Calvin cam (note that while Jon is in the picture, the focus is clearly on the centered snowman).
Dinner with the Kiffer family. This is Calvin giving me a "don't get any ideas" look.
This is me giving my mom a "don't get any ideas" look.
Making Pot Pie/Bot Bie with three generations of Kiffers.
The rather hilarious New Years gift exchange (free or nearly free gifts only, basement shopping, regifting, or passing back and forth highly encouraged).
Jon dancing to his "Whoop, There it is!" music button.
Downtown Harbor Springs all decked out for Christmas.
Calvin building trains.
Feeding the deer before leaving town (it's the one thing Calvin earnestly requested doing while we were there, something he remembers having done every time we visit).
Thank you.
One last view, downtown Harbor. Happy new year!

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