You know you live in a small town when...
This move has taken us into a whole new world, really. We both have always lived in a city big enough to have "household mail delivery," or mail delivered directly to your home, and that is why we failed to ask about how we might be getting our mail in our new house, and that is why we spent an entire week trying to figure out where our mail was going. There are no boxes on the houses here, not even curbside boxes, and the banks of boxes the entryways to the subdivision didn't have house numbers on them (and we had no box key). We finally gave over to the embarrassment of not knowing such a thing and called our local post office where the nice postman replied "oh yeah, the first owners left their key here at the desk in an envelope marked with a C." And if that isn't small town enough for you, then how about this: when we went to the post office to pick up the key there was only one person working, not because the others were on break,
but because there's only room for one person to work behind the desk (or in the whole building for that matter), AND... there was no line. That quick visit left us with not only a key to our box but also with a hand drawn map complete with instructions, and a coloring book for Calvin. So after naptime we embarked on a journey, hand drawn map in hand, to locate our box. It has a nice location nestled between a neighborhood pond and the grocery store, and after a little additional exploring we stopped in to pick up fresh ingredients for dinner. How very European of us. This could become a habit.
And how about one more small town anecdote? Before our actual move we called what we thought was the listed number to put the waterbill in our name and were gently told that in order to take care of such a thing she would need to "call Brenda, down at the town hall" or some such a thing. And when she did call "down to some such a thing," Brenda turned out to be a real person with no automated answering system and didn't' even put us on hold. And she also turned out to be a wealth of friendly, if unsolicited, additional information. Before hanging up the phone (five minutes later), not only was the water bill put in our name, but we also knew when and how our garbage would be picked up, when and how to do recycling (although they are out of containers and don't know when they'll get more in), and the best route to get to several choice parks in the village. Thank you Brenda, for reminding us what real personal customer service is all about. We love it here already.
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