We could use an extra day
We fill our days to the absolute brim with work, eating, sleeping, and yes, even a little playing. We stretch our days to the very last possible minute, falling into bed when we can no longer keep our eyes open, then drag ourselves into consciousness as early as we can possibly stand to do so (or maybe as late as Calvin will let us) the following day. Our lives are bursting at the seams, and we absolutely love it, but there is just not enough time in the day to work in everything we want and need to do. That is why we strongly advocate the use of Leap Day, February 29, as an official national "extra day" holiday. Think about it - no one will
miss it! We base nearly everything on a 365 day year, and when leap year rolls around we have to put into effect special circumstances to make up for it. What better way to celebrate life than to just take it off. It could be a national day of ecological and economical awareness - no stores would be open to entice unsuspecting citizens into spending money they are hoping to get from stimulus packages, and the TV wouldn't be on to broadcast mind-numbing programs into our supposedly peaceful homes - everyone would just have to go outside and enjoy the trees (since the grass in this area is under several inches of snow).
We think it's a great idea, and we celebrated this hopeful new holiday in the same way we celebrate all other holidays - by taking lots and lots of pictures. Enjoy them, because this holiday won't come around for another four years!
You can see more Leap Day pictures in the Feb 08 album.

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