Growing for sure!
Calvin's next doctor appointment may be tomorrow, but we can already tell that he has grown. The outfit that nearly fit him today did not fit him two weeks ago before his first appointment. He's not necessarily rounder, but he sure is longer - look where his knees are (or aren't) in these pictures - the first is from two weeks ago today (6/13 - 4 days old), the other from this morning (6/27 - 18 days old). The pants came below his knees two weeks ago, but fall above them today. Oh, so he does have knees!
In other news - Calvin made his first trip to campus this afternoon, but, unfortunately, was not able to partake in Stucci's ice cream along with his mom and dad. Oh! And before we forget...Calvin's bellybutton tag finally fell off! We suppose this means that he is no longer returnable. Either that or his uplink to the main system has been disconnected and he is going to malfunction. We'll have to wait and see.