Slow down this horse!
Calvin continues to learn and try new things. Tonight he was reclining in the bath and surprised us with a whole new trick - first he pulled himself up to a sitting position (not a new trick), then he pulled himself further into a squatting position (that's a new trick), and then he pushed himself into a wobbly standing position (definitely a brand new trick)! We don't have a picture of the standing, only the squatting, because who has hands for a camera when they are trying to keep a 5 1/2 month old from toppling over because they shouldn't be standing on their own yet?!? And yesterday afternoon he traveled over 4 feet in fits and starts of crawling, too. In fact, he's been so active lately that at an impromptu doctor appointment today they logged him as actually having lost 1/4 of a pound, taking him back down to 16 3/4 lbs and a hair shy of 27 inches. Of course, that weight loss may better be blamed on the trouble he has been having with his reflux, which was the reason for today's pediatrician appointment. But we will go into that further when we post tomorrow about our success or lack thereof with Calvin's first try with solid foods. Yup, you read right. Much to our chagrin we will, based on the doctor's orders, be starting solids prior to our six month goal. Look out kitchen, here we come. More on this tomorrow.

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