We're going soft...
And we're not referring to the fact that we most definitely ate more than our fair share of fattening holiday goodies. No, this is more in reference to the way we handle the cold weather. Actually, the problem isn't so much the cold weather, but the lack thereof. With our uncharacteristically warm winter this year we haven't even had to lift a snow shovel yet! So when the cold weather finally hit yesterday we found ourselves shivering and bolting for indoors with temperatures just barely dipping below freezing. That's just not right. Now, to be fair, the wind was pretty strong and the wind chill was pretty low, but we're still disappointed in ourselves (and our lack of winter weather).
But back to that bit about eating too many goodies...we enjoyed a wonderful dinner party on Sunday night, complete with several courses of really fantastic Peruvian food. A delicious soup, followed by two different kinds of fish, followed by beef, followed by cheesecake. Yum. We'd love to recommend the restaurant to you, but it's by invitation only and we were just that lucky. Actually, it was dinner at Patty's home with her family and the Hillers, and it was a really fantastic party with good company and good food at. Poor Calvin only got peas and squash out of the deal, and boy does he have a way of making you feel guilty when he eyes your food with those puppy dog eyes!