A card and a camel
This is about as close to a first day of school portrait as we're likely to get. Funny that it's the first week after school let out around here, then. Since this is the first week of summer vacation for the school bound this was also the summer reading program kick-off at our library. I've said it before and I'll say it again (and likely again and again): we love our library. This year they have so many activities planned that the calendar is too abbreviated to read easily. We started our own kick-off earlier in the week, though, when Calvin got his own card. I'd told him weeks ago that as soon as he could fill out the form by himself he could have his own card. That was like dangling a carrot, I guess, and on Monday he filled out his form and got his card. I'm sure it helps that we are there several times a week and are very active volunteers, but the librarians made a wonderfully big deal out of the occasion, and that was fun. The president of the library even came out and shook Calvin's hand and asked him what he would check out first. Unfortunately, the book he wanted was already out, but he used his card to put it on hold, and today we were notified that it was available for pick-up, so we got it when we went to see the camel. The card has now been broken in.
It's these little milestones that are so much fun. Obviously we did not take part in any preschool graduation like other kids his age did this year, and there were no school photos or class parties. Instead we celebrated a first library card, which to me was more authentic anyhow. It's opening a door of knowlege! It's almost as good as a drivers license! Well, maybe. And I'd promised Calvin that when he got his card I would make him a special library bag, with material of his choosing, in which to keep it. He held me to my promise, he picked his fabric, and he is almost as excited about the bag as about the card. Almost. In fact, his adoration of the library card reminds me of Jon wanting to wear his brand new shoes to bed as a little boy.
But back up a bit. Did I say "when we went to see the camel?" Why yes, yes I did. It was summer program kick-off day today, complete with magic tricks and a camel. I actually had to stay behind at the garage sale but Jon was able to come home long enough to take Calvin to enjoy the party, magic tricks, camel, cake, and all. I think I already mentioned how much I love our library.