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Entries in senior year (19)


Day 42 in 2024

Puppybowl Sunday


Day 41 in 2024

Our final district Solo and Ensemble.

This year he earned two blue ribbons with an accompanied solo (with his favortie accompanist, of course), and a nine person chamber ensemble. This ensemble was amazing! They did two pieces, arranged by two students in the group, and they were so fantastic Jon and I both had tears in our eyes.

That makes six years of S&E, at three events each year (bassoon solo, piano solo, ensemble) until he gave up piano last year, and one pandemic year with no event, but that's a still a LOT of blue ribbons!


Day 28 in 2024

We have a new Wolverine in the family!


Day 26 in 2024

Day three,starting with a walking tour while Calvin was in rehearsal (also during rehearsal, the news of Calvin's early acceptance into the University of Michigan's College of Engineering!!!), and ending with a joint birthday and admission celebration at Reserve Wine and Food Bar for our last night in town.


Day 322 in 2023

We had Christmas photos taken by the nicest photographer today, and I'm not just saying that because when we walked in he asked if we were siblings or cousins! Then later in the day, just to remind myself how old I really am, I took a few letter jacket shots because I didn't have any yet...