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Entries in high school (190)


Day 94 in 2024

NHS farewell night.

I've been noting all the final moments, all the lasts, and this is a big one. Or, actually, this is a first. One measure of the last school year is all the last times—the last halftime show, the last band concert, the last robotics competition. But another measure is the firsts the herald the end—the first senior skip day, the first college acceptance, the first awards night. Tonight's NHS farewell ceremony was a first and only, and it fell unfortunately, on the eve of the Robotics State Championships kick off. We were supposed to already be in our hotel in Saginaw, but while Calvin was more than willing to skip the walk across the stage and instead pick up his cords from the office some nondescript day at school, he was gracious about letting me have this moment before we hit the road. There won't be many of these moments, so each should be savored.

We are so proud of him.


Day 93 in 2024

The final walk? Loading the robot for States, and it won't be the final robot load if things go well...


Day 90 in 2024

Day three (the final day) of competition two: what a great day! All those judge talks paid off—we won the Innovation in Controls award, which rewards the team with the best and most creative coding for drive controls.

Plus we finished qualifications in second place, captained the second alliance, went undefeated in playoffs, finishing with an even record against the first alliance, but unfortunately lost the best of three finals matches to them to come in second.

Second is great! And we're headed to States next weekend.


Day 89 in 2024

Day two of competition two: sitting pretty! We were visited by judges twice who listened to Calvin explain teh coding and the math (linear algebra) that went into creating our game play and the multitude of fine tuned robot controls.

We've held three of the four high scores and ended the day in third place!


Day 88 in 2024

Day one of competition two: helping a rookie team code their robot so it can drive! The coopertition is one of the best parts of FIRST Robotics.