Hallowe'en Nights
It's not Halloween until Hallowe'en Nights. Dinner at Eagle Tavern, trick-or-treating throughout the park, hilarious and sometimes spooky enactments, and three fantastic story tellers. We've attended this event annually for three years now and have enjoyed it at least as much every time, if not more.
We start our evening in the Eagle Tavern with a home cooked meal, served family style to tables of about ten. Breads, chutneys, stuffing, beef pie, sausage, lemon herb chicken, tea, coffee, and pumpkin cake. It's a delicious way to start the night before we take off on our tour through the village.
This year the event grew by the measurements of one very delightful Sleepy Hollow. An extra turn around the pond in the village, by Ichabod's school house, through story at the Tarry Town Tavern, and past the party at the Van Tassels, fed our imaginations as we drew up to a fence where the Headless Horseman gave the poor pedagogue chase through the corn field. My favorite part.
Our wanderings took us through the yard of Dr. Frankenstein, too, where the villagers enjoyed our costumes while begging our help in stopping the crazed doctor from unleashing the monster into their presence. Another favorite stop, which came right after the snarky fortune teller and before the covered bridge. Spooky.
There are pirates, and singing pumpkins (Calvin's favorite part), and one more new thing this year: the plague doctor, and his best friend, the grave digger.
We always end our wanderings with a stop in the cafeteria for hot cider and a gander at what's filling our bags, and we end our night at the last presentation of Poe's Tell-tale Heart. It's told by one of the best true story tellers I've ever seen. Story telling at it's finest. And Halloween at our house just can't start until we've heard it.