Entries in fall (178)
From fiery to frigid
It's hard to believe that less than a week ago we were sweltering in the ninety degree heat of a sultry Indian Summer. At least it would be hard to believe if this wasn't Michigan, the place where you don't pack away seasons of clothing because you just might need those shorts in January or that sweater in July. In reality it's not all too surprising, seeing as that it is now mid-October and wasn't it this time last year that we were seeing our first snowfall of the upcoming winter season? In our family we welcome the changing of the season, with it's colorful leaves and brisk air, warm hats and fuzzy mittens, the warmth of the fire pit at the tailgate, and the sound of the first crackling logs in our fireplace at home. We celebrated other seasons of change today, too. Our football team finally played and won a decent game, which was a welcome change from the past month or so of
disappointing losses and bumbling, less-than-redeeming wins. That alone provided us with enough reason to party the night away, but we also partied to celebrate a special milestone birthday (which milestone we will not give away) at Calvin's grandparents' house, where he entertained all with his increasingly complex dancing skills. It is truly amazing how time and season march on and bring so many blessings with the days.
There are pictures galore, as always: Oct 13-19 Photo Album
These must be the halcyon days of fall
Fall is here: the leaves started changing, the nights started cooling, the days turned rainy and grey... and then came a return to the sun and warmth of the previous season. Some would call it an Indian Summer, but we think a more appropriate term might be "paradise." Sure it's hot, but we try to remind ourselves that instead of complaining about the heat we could be breaking out the hats and mittens like this time last year, and who wants that already? So we took advantage of the hand mother nature dealt and made today a hiking day. There's something a little odd about sweating through your shorts and t-shirt while shuffling through richly colored fallen leaves, but we didn't complain back in July or August so why should we now? Not to mention that when we went on hikes back in July Calvin was a very different kind of hiking partner. Back in July he enjoyed looking at the things we pointed out but was basically just along for the ride in his backpack carrier. Today Calvin seemed to be doing most of the pointing, followed by that babbling noise that sounds suspiciously like a well posed question that we just can't understand. He spent half of the hike in the backpack and the other half pushing his own little feet through the downed leaves. He found a squirrel, a cat (inappropriately out of doors), a spider, and even a wee little frog, and he made sure to point them out for our own viewing pleasure. He amazes us. We love watching him discover the natural world we love so much, and we are thankful for these halcyon days of fall.
Pick a good one
When the temperatures cool, and the late day shadows lengthen, we find ourselves hungering for the traditional colors, smells, and flavors of fall. Last Wednesday, well after the sun had gone for the night, we sat bundled up on our deck, huddled around a smoky fire drinking hot cider. On Friday we went through our recipe box, moving all those warm weather recipes to the back and replacing them with those rich and spicy fall recipes, like squash dishes, and stews. Then today we made that oh so cherished seasonal trek to the apple orchard down the road. It was the opening weekend of their annual Country Fair, complete with petting farm, pony rides, play areas, apple and pumpkin picking, haunted outbuildings, and, of course, fresh cider and doughnuts. The trees and grass might still be green, and the warmer days of Indian Summer still ahead of us, but we just couldn't wait any longer to enjoy that wonderful grocery list of fall pleasures. For some reason Calvin doesn't seem to remember having been there last year, and he greeted the occasion with wonder and excitement. He loved the llamas and the swings, was flabbergasted by the corn, and was perhaps a little too enthusiastic about the apple picking (it was hard to explain to him that we were supposed to wait until later before eating apples we picked). An orchard, particularly this orchard, is a very pleasant place to be during the changing of the seasons, and this visit will certainly not be our last.
The classic apple picking pictures are in our Sept 15-21 photo album.
A saving grace
We will be the first to admit that our beloved Michigan Wolverines have fallen short of expectations this year, although to be truly candid we are not sure who set such high expectations for them in the first place. Ranked fifth? Honestly, our quarterback has been questionable from the beginning and our number of experienced and talented players has been greatly reduced recently. Every program goes through rebuilding years, we can accept that. In fact, we expected it. The losses might be disappointing, but they are not crushing. When was the last time State even went to a bowl game? That's what we thought. And besides, in the mean time we have our beloved Michigan Marching Band to fulfill our need for talented performance and tonight we took Calvin to see their Friday night rehearsal. It was his first encounter with the big band that his mother marched in during her college years, and it was clearly a hit. He clapped and danced, and every time they stopped playing he would frantically sign "please music please" to the amusement of his parents and other onlookers. This was, perhaps, his first real lesson that even the word "please" will not bring one everything they desire.