Halloween only comes three times a year
We spent an inordinate amount of time creating Calvin's costume this year, and he'd been so excited about being a train that I decided to make this once annual event last a bit longer. Dexter had their annual downtown costume parade and trick-or-treat on Friday so we traipsed through town collecting candy from our favorite local businesses and workers.
On Saturday Kerrytown had trick-or-treating at the Farmers market, along with free donuts and cider, so Calvin got a second chance to done his beloved train costume. My favorite part of the event was hearing him describe the costume to all the questioning onlookers (of which there were many). The second best part of the event was the occasional booth that was handing out real goodies—apples, dried corn, or gourds instead of candy.
And of course, then there was Halloween. Jon's parents and sister came to enjoy the evening with us, his mother sporting pumpkin orange and Ann the good witch in white, and we all took turns carting the railroad crossing signs on our forays into the neighborhood. The longer that we've been in this house the more we get to know our neighbors, and that makes Halloween exponentially more fun—we know them, they know Calvin, it's a good time.
With all that Halloween one might be concerned about a major sugar high. What exactly will this do to our healthy diets? Like last year we offered Calvin the opportunity to trade in any of the candy he collected for a quarter per piece—money that he could use to buy any item he chose. On Thursday, after his trip through Dexter, he decided to eat one piece of candy after lunch and traded the rest in for money. I wondered if after that first taste the decision might be a tougher one, but actually the one piece of Kit Kat he had was apparently enough—he traded in all the rest of the candy which we handed back out to our neighbors. At a price of $25 (the total he accrued) it was probably the most expensive Halloween candy we've ever bought, but I figure we paid a premium to keep the household sugar intake down, and to give Calvin a chance to make good choices with lasting outcomes.