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Entries in 365_2010 (46)


Project 365, days 106-112

On day 106 Calvin enjoyed searching for hidden pictures in his Highlights magazine after lunch. On day 107 we put our hummingbird feeders back outside—probably a little early, but we want to be here when they arrive! This week we also spent time at the park and in the field near our house, found a way to keep our lawn looking pretty while still staying true to our environmental views, celebrated Jon's new promotion with dinner out, and shocked as much traffic as possible by waiting for a friend to meet us for lunch...dressed as a panda.


Project 365, days 99-105

Calvin's first preschool piano lesson, and he loved it; our muskrat, who is usually there every afternoon when I go running, and often earlier in the morning if we go for a walk; costumes—they aren't just for Halloween anymore; beautiful weather, conducive to flowers, and weeds, blooming and growing, to playing outside, and to biking for a Dairy Queen;


Project 365, days 92-98

A week more like summer than spring, really. We spent much of this week exploring the new growth in our neighborhood, be that budding trees, growing flowers, or playful chickadees. We also dyed eggs on Easter and spent an evening at the library.


Project 365, days 85-91

We don't go to Ikea often, but it seems like an annual trip isn't a bad idea; We took a hike through a new nature area nearby, tried on snorkeling gear, and watched finches in the yard. During the week we enjoyed a walk through downtown where we ogled some used bikes, and had a picnic outside our library; And what better a way to end the week, and begin a new month, than with a trip to the zoo in nearly 80 degree weather—are we sure it's only April?


Project 365, days 78-84

A weekend spent in the early spring of northern Michigan, soaking up time with Aunt Lonnie and surrounded by nature and wildlife—a very calming trip; a haircut done by mommy; the last day of art class; nature at our doorstep—a kildeer visiting our feeder.