Play Baby Play...
It wasn't all that long ago, just a few weeks perhaps, that we took Calvin to a nearby park with great expectations for his exuberance about the play structures, only to be disappointed when he couldn't see them for the woodchips. On that trip we spent the majority of our time trying to convince him that woodchips, although very enticing, were not a readily digestible item. We'd been reluctant since then to try again, but tonight we found ourselves yards
away from another such play area while enjoying a potluck dinner with the First Presbyterian Deacons, so we decided to give it another try. We're not sure what the difference was, although in our eagerness as parents we'll chalk it up to a sudden burst in brain power, but he was enthralled with the playground this time! Aside from time spent eating dinner he could not be pried away from the play structure without fuss.
He would run to the swing and sign for up, then after a minute sign that he was all done and go climb up the structure to the tunnel. Or he would run to the slide and make the sign for up, and, after sliding down (sometimes on his butt, sometimes on his tummy), he would sign to do it again. He was insatiable, which meant that at the end of the evening he was exhausted, and that meant an early bed time and some extra adult time or us. We might have to consider trying that activity more often now.