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Fun with Spit!

Calvin's got this new language thing going on.  He's actually been doing this since he started cooing a few months ago, but lately he's been stringing it together as though carrying on a lip-pursing, bubble-blowing, spit-sharing conversation.  It really makes us crack up, and wring out a lot of bibs, and we wanted to share it with all of you.  Of course by the time we get the camera he's more than half done, but we figured it was viewer worthy anyhow (not that we're biased or anything). 


Calvin meet Ollie. No, not eat Ollie.

calvinandollietake2.jpgCalvin is always intrigued by the dogs, and everyone seems to get along well.  Diamond ignores him for the most part, Moose wants to protect him (from us whenever he is crying), and Ollie is in awe of him.  Today, though, was the first time any of our four legged family tried to snuggle him.  calvinandollie.jpgOllie was the courgeous canine who took it upon himself to keep the baby warm on such a cold day, and Calvin couldn't have been more thrilled.  Of course, his excitement was mainly due to the fact that he was sure Ollie was a new toy to chew on, but to Ollie any attention is good attention and he just soaked it all up.  And, no, we didn't let Calvin chew on the dog, but we did take a lot of pictures that we posted in the 22nd week album.


Baby, it's cold outside.

Today was the coldest day of Calvin's life.  Seriously.  watchingsnow.jpgThis fall season has been a little strange.  Halloween was uncommonly warm this year, so it's hard to believe that he experienced snow a couple of weeks earlier than that, but he did.  Thus today's snow wasn't anything new, but it was more plentiful.  It snowed all day.  Really.  All day.  It mesmerized Calvin completely (he gets that from his mother who loves this time of the year).  Of course the ground is still too warm for it to collect in any great amount, even if the air temperature was frigid beyond early November belief, but a thin cheesecloth of snow is covering the ground as far as the eye can see.  So we did what any self respecting Michigan standingbyfire.jpgfamily would do under these cirucmstances - we canceled all our evening plans, lit a fire, and ate ice cream for dessert.  Well, Calvin didn't get his ice cream directly, but he did get to enjoy the fire directly, and he found it just as fascinating as he found the snow.  He actually stood, holding onto our coffee table, and watched the flickering of the flames for a very long time (well, upwards of 2 minutes, but that's a really long time baby minutes).


Tricks and treats

happyhalloween.jpgYep.  Having kids keeps you young.  Or maybe we were momandgiraffe.jpgimmature all along, it's hard to say, but we were both excited about Halloween all day.  Jon even came home early from work so that we could be ready.  We decorated with a flag, a wind sock, and, of course, a family of jack-o-lanterns, and then we dressed up.  Actually, we dressed up our son (and took lots of pictures which are in the 21st week photo album) and just wore head gear ourselves.  We took turns taking our little giraffe for short neighborhood strolls while the other parent handed out treats, and Jon walked around the daddyandgiraffe.jpgcorner to visit Kristin and Matt's and even scored some candy in the process (they had better stuff than we did...).  The evening really tired the little guy out - all the visitors and the barking dogs and the cool fresh air - and he zonked out a little earlier than usual even.  There is a bit of sadness here, too, as we realize that this was Calvin's first real "first" holiday, and now it has gone by.  That and he won't be able to wear the giraffe costume again next year...  But we are looking forward to sharing the upcoming holiday season Calvin and teaching him all about our traditions!  Yes, having children does keep us young, and it gives these holidays a deeper, richer meaning that we are really enjoying!



Who is entertaining whom here?

We've been asked this question several times, especially after we posted the video of Calvin and Jon playing peek-a-boo.  Here is some more evidence in the matter.  Let's take a vote.mommyorcalvin.jpgcalvinordaddy.jpg