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Adding spice to our lives

Or at least to Calvin's.  We got tired of always feeding him just plain pureed fruits and vegetables, so we started adding some natural spices for him to try.  playingindirt.jpgWe started this afternoon with cinnamon in the applesauce and, though we were nervous about this transition, the introduction went pretty well.  Actually, we aren't at all certain that he cared one bit about the new flavor - he showed no real preference over bites either with or without the spice in them.  Oh well.  In general he seems awfully distracted these days when we are inside, but who can blame him?  Now that he's had a taste of playing outside in the yard and going to watch the ducks at the pond bythtepond.jpg(which he invariably laughs at), why on earth would he want to play inside?  Seriously, the last few days it has really felt like spring, possibly even summer, finally arrived.  Of course, we can't really say "finally arrived," because it's still March and this is still Michigan.  Heck, around here spring can't really be considered late until June, so the recent days of sunny and seventy have been a wonderful treat.  Unfortunately, it looks like we will be saying goodbye to summer and hello to spring over the next week or so, but that was to be expected.  Calvin will just have to go back to being happy with his indoor play.


It's March 17th....

Calvin celebrated by tipping one back....



Officially 9 months

professionalshoot9months.jpgCalvin can now be officially nine months, as we just got the pictures back from our nine month professional sitting.  We think they went pretty well, although Calvin was a little hesitant to smile for them after we waited nearly an hour past our sitting time and well into his cranky time before we even got called into the the camera room.  The rest of the multitude of shots can be viewed in his 9 month photo shoot album.


Eating the outdoors

Calvin had his nine month pediatrician appointment this morning and the consensus is that all is well.  Better than well, actually. springwalk2.jpg The pediatrician said that he is well ahead of the game on physical development, and his verbal development is right on track (no more worrying for his parents, then).  He measured over 28 inches, putting him in the 50th percentile for height (a good place to be) and weighed in at a healthy 19 pounds, which puts him in the 35th percentile for weight (the doctor thought this was probably due to how extremely active he is all day every day!), springwalk3.jpgand his head circumference fell in the 75th percentile.  We got the go-ahead for lots of new foods, the first of which will be cheese - yay!

Then this afternoon we were blessed with such a beautiful spring day that Cortney and Calvin just couldn't stand to spend it indoors, so instead they took a long walk, followed by some driveway playtime.  Calvin was really too young to truly enjoy outdoor playtime the last time that it was warm, springwalk1.jpgso this was really like an introduction to him, and, as usual, he took it very seriously.  It wasn't long before he made it very clear that he intended to eat as much of the outdoors as possible, but his mother made that goal very difficult (no, Calvin, we don't eat rocks).  Eating or not, however, he was more than a little disappointed about having to go inside for a real lunch (until he saw the banana, that is).


To Calvin, who is nine months old today!

Nine months old, what a milestone for you!  9months1.jpgYou are three quarters of the way through your first year, and your parents are feeling like the time is just slipping away.  You successfully tried a couple of new things this past month, including swimming lessons (our favorite day of the week!) and eating more finger foods.  But the past month seems to have been more about mental advancements than physical ones.  You started mimicking our motions about two weeks ago, something that you had not previously tried.  This new interest has led to a whole host of separate advancements, the wave being our favorite:  9months2.jpgyou have two different kinds of waves, the first being where you look carefully at our waving hand and then turn your palm towards yourself and open and close the fingers very slowly, and the second being where you flap your whole arm up and down quite rapidly and watch us get excited and giggle.  A few times this past month you have also tried mimicking the sign language motion for dog that we have been using, but you still refuse to use sign language to communicate "more" while eating (we figure that you just take your eating too seriously).  Our favorite new skill, however, is your babbling.  You now love to string non--coherent speech sounds together, making delightful soliloquies for us to enjoy, and you have your own brand of singing, as well. 

9months3.jpgThis really has been our favorite age so far.  You have become so much more interactive, both with us and with your environment.  You no longer need help to get the things you want, but you have been very good about listening to us when we tell you there are things you can't have.  Soon after you turned eight months old we got you your first car in the form of a walking/riding car toy and you love to walk around the house pushing it in front of you.  You pull yourself up and cruise around the house with very little assistance now, even walking while just touching the wall to steady yourself, and you are now able to stand for nearly a minute at a time without any assistance at all.  9months4.jpgYou laugh a lot more frequently, enjoying most of all when your dad drops things while you watch (as in when he pretends to juggle).  And our favorite new physical development by far has been your new love of cuddling.  Although this age has brought with it some true signs of separation and stranger anxieties, it has also brought signs of attachment to your parents and we love it when you pull on our pant legs or reach out towards us, looking to be picked up and cuddled, and we love it when, after we lift you up for a hug, you reciprocate by placing a big, wet kiss on our cheeks, and laying your head on our shoulders while wrapping your arms around us.  Yes, this is by far our favorite age yet.