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Summer entertainment

We mentioned recently that our calendar had been briefly taken over by Calvin's various "end of the year" events, and today marked the SummerEntertainment1.jpgconclusion of that situation with a picnic and drum circle for his music class participants.  This was our first time taking part in a real honest to goodness drum circle, and it really was delightful for all three of us.  If you are wondering what a real honest to goodness drum circle is, we couldn't really tell you, but we can tell you that this one involved all the kids and their family members sitting in a circle around a big pile of rhythm instruments, and a rhythm leader who kept a steady and interesting beat for us as we made our way through such child and rhythm friendly songs as Funga Alafia and the ABCs (which can, yes, SummerEntertainment2.jpgbe quite rhythmic if done right way).  We all got the chance to use many different rhythm instruments from around the world and to pick songs to sing and perform.  It was truly impossible not to get swept into the movement, singing, and rhythm of the circle, and, after a wonderful potluck lunch, we all went home and collapsed at nap time.

Our evening entertainment wasn't nearly as coo, but it did involved some rhythm and dancing (at least on Calvin's part).  With so much to do in our own little village we hadn't ventured into Ann Arbor town for its many activities yet this summer, but after reading about tonight's entertainment at Top of the Park, we figured we'd better check it out.  As it turned out, Heliosphere, performed by a group called Dream Engine, was too loud, too short, and too SummerEntertainment3a.jpgrepetitive and not nearly as much as the band that came after.  And, actually, it wasn't so much the band itself as watching Calvin dance that made that part of the evening riotous.  He enjoyed Heliosphere just fine, but when the music came on he got up and started shaking it right in the middle of the crowd.  He had quite the audience, too.  It's amazing what self-assurance we are born with that is ultimately replaced by a sense of propriety, but at Calvin's age all the world is his stage for sure.

More pictures:  June 2008, too album. 


Two year portraits

We got them taken on June 17, but just got the digital thumbs today.  These four are our favorites, but there were nine total shots, which you can see in the Two Year Portraits photo album.




It rainbowed on our picnic

ItRainbowedOnOurPicnic1.jpgWell, it wasn't really a picnic, just dinner on the deck, which is where we eat most nights, but it did rainbow on us - twice.  We were sitting there having a relaxing dinner and out of nowhere - wham! - a rainbow.  And then, as if one wasn't enough, there was suddenly a second one, much lighter than the first, but just as much a rainbow if you please.  Calvin was probably a mixture of bewilderedItRainbowedOnOurPicnic2.jpg and excited, and after it faded, and for the rest of the night, we were privy to his continual chorus of "rainbow all gone."  It's kind of hard to explain wonder and majesty to someone who is yet innocent enough to see the whole world as wonder and majesty and who has not yet been disillusioned by reality, but we'd take innocence over disillusionment any day.



A garden to grow on

AGardenToGrowOn1.jpgYou may think that this post is mis-titled, and that for the sake of wit I should have titled it "A garden to grow IN" but, no, that isn't a typo, and I will tell you why.  Today we planted our first ever vegetable garden, and when I say that I use the term "garden" rather loosely.  We have friends who actually plant gardens, and to avoid any laughter at our meager setup, we just want to point out that we know the difference, AGardenToGrowOn2.jpgbut that doesn't mean that we, Calvin especially, aren't exceedingly proud of our own (miniature, 3'x5') backyard food bearing plot.  This is something that we've wanted to do for a long time, and with a little push from my encouraging mother we finally took the plunge.  Of course, any plunging that occurred was on the part of our hands, which first ripped into and removed more sod, then broke up the sandy clay ground we have, before finally plunging into the beautiful, dark, composted manure we added to our box.  Calvin not only helped pick out the AGardenToGrowOn4.jpgplants in an afternoon shopping trip with Gram, but actually helped plant them, carefully taking them from the packages and setting them into the waiting holes.  We planted five tomato plants and four zucchinis, and we plan on expanding the area this weekend so we can give them more room, and perhaps add some different vegetables, as well.  Next year we see an entire bank of gardens that will home to many different foods for us to enjoy, and that is why I call this is our garden to grow on.


Jammies at the Library

It's not every day that you get to wear your jammies to the library, but Calvin learned something about special exceptions today.  JammiesAtTheLibrary01.jpgThe children's program at our little tiny library has been one of our greatest enjoyments in our new tiny town - Calvin absolutely loves weekly story time, and throughout the summer they have at least one activity every week to get kids into the library for fun - and the activity this week was Bedtime Stories night.  For about thirty minutes pajama clad kids of all ages crammed themselves into the main room of the library to listen to our phenomenal and well loved JammiesAtTheLibrary02.jpgchildren's librarian read bedtime stories and lead bedtime songs and dances (yes dances).  From "No Jumping on the Bed" to "I'm Not Afraid of Monsters" Calvin was absolutely captivated, plus he seemed to greatly enjoy the fact that he was wearing his pajamas out of the house.  And since, if we're making some exceptions, we might as well make a few, yes that is a lion hanging out with those farm animals on the felt board (for more information on lions as farm animals, please refer to Pete Seeger's recording of "I Had a Rooster").