Project 365, days 289-29
288. The wood is stacked and ready for winter, 289. Playing bags at the tailgate with cousin David, 290. Fireside story time, 291. A romp through fall colors, 292. Fall colors at home, 293. A sly look at dinner, 294. Journal entry, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Fall splendor
Fall is my favorite time to run outside—the temperatures are perfect, the colors beautiful. When I get to run outside I take a route into town that, for the lack of sidewalks, goes through the cemetery. The cemetery is vivid with the colors of fall and on each trip through it I've promised myself that I'd come back later with a camera and a kid (preferably mine). Today I finally kept that promise. Fall is so beautiful.

Project 365, days 281-287
281. Pumpkins waiting in the wings, 282. Our projected scores are better than the real ones, 283. Turning 30 on 10/10/10, 284. Out for a fall ride, 285. Fall flowers, 286. A second celebration, 287. Discovering the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

You only turn 30 once
Unfortunately, I've already been there done that, but Jon's turn was still in the making until this past weekend. I'm not sure why it took me until the day before he hit his fourth decade to realize that he turned 30 on 10/10/10. Now that really only happens once. We celebrated the way we most enjoy celebrating special occasions—with good food and family. Jon's mom planned a dinner with both of our families and I made his favorite pumpkin dessert. Thirty. He's finally in my decade.